
The Governing body has responsibility for the running of Harewood Primary School. It was reconstituted in June 2015 and the term of office runs for 4 years.  Governors make decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term and are representatives of parents, staff and the wider community.

The minutes of the Governors’ meetings are in school, available for anyone to read. Parents elect five parent governors for a four year period. Parents will be notified when the next election is due. Becoming a governor carries considerable responsibility and requires a commitment of time but training is given to help governors carry out their responsibilities.

Harewood Primary Register of Governor’s Interests

Harewood Governor Committee Structures

Harewood Governor Committee Meeting Dates

FGB Attendance 2022-2023

Committee Meeting Attendance 2022-2023

The governing body voted not to share diversity data on the school website at the full governing body meeting in the Summer term.


All copies of Governing Body meetings and agendas are available in the school office on request.

You will also find more information about our school’s Governors in the Prospectus.