History at Harewood Primary School
A historian at Harewood can do the following things. We share this with the children at the beginning of history lessons.
Long Term Overview
A long term plan outlines history topics from Nursery to Y6
History skills Progression
This outlines a progression of skills from EY to Y6.
Key Concept Words
Knowledge Organizers
Each history topic has a knowledge organiser, which includes a timeline, key vocabulary, general knowledge and information about famous figures. There is also a progression statement with topic specific vocabulary, concept vocabulary, enquiry questions and ready to progress statements.
History across school
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Children’s work is displayed across school.
We have many trips and visitors, across school, with a history focus:
Y1’s trip to Salt burn helps them to understand, ‘How did our town help to start seaside holidays around the world?’
Y2 visit Captain Cook’s Museum to find out, ‘What it is like to set off into the unknown? and why he was so brave to do so.
Y3 have a ‘Stone Age visitor’, who shows the children how stone age people lived. This helps them to understand about, ‘Who first lived in Britain’
Y4 have a ‘Roman visitor’ to bring their topic on the Romans to life. They visit Raby Castle to give them insight into – Who were the Scots, Anglo Saxons and Vikings, and did they do more than invade and settle?
Y5 visit the Heugh Battery in Hartlepool – the only first World War 1 battlefield in the UK, as part of their topic – Was the First World War ever a great war?
Y5 also visit Beamish to prepare the children for their Y6 topics – Why is there a spitfire on the roundabout? and What changes did Queen Victoria see?
Y2 enjoying Captain Cook Museum
Y3 investigated the Archeology Museum in Durham
Y3 found out about Stone Age life with our Stone Age visitor
Y4 visited Raby Castle
Y4’s Roman visitor brought their topic to life
Y5 had a great trip to the Heugh Battery World War 1 battlefield