PSRHE Policy Document

PSRHE Assembly Overview

PSRHE at Harewood Primary School

A child studying PSRHE at Harewood can do the following things. We share this with the children at the beginning of PSHRE lessons.

Long Term Overview

A long term plan outlines PSRHE topics from Nursery to Y6 and progression of skills.

PSRHE assembly overview

Knowledge Organisers

Each PSRHE topic has a knowledge organiser, which includes essential knowledge, key vocabulary, questions related to the learning and information about how to keep safe based on the Kidsafe rules.

PSRHE across school


Image 2 of 12

What matters to me



Fire Brigade visit to teach children about road safety


Children in Need


Dress to Express Day


Careers Day 2023 – When I Grow Up

Every year Harewood hold an exciting Careers Day for our pupils. Each year group has visitors from a variety of professionals and ex-students. The children dress up as a person from their chosen career.

Careers Related Trips and Visitors

We have many trips and visitors across school, with a PSRHE focus:

Y1 have explored a variety of careers through visitors and local employers including ESH Construction, Cleveland Fire Brigade and Lucy Pittaway Art Gallery.

Y2 visit and visitors have included Tunstall Farm Road, Cleveland Fire Brigade and Sir Robert McAlpine Engineering.

Y3 have enjoyed visits to Durham Cathedral and the Teesmouth Field Centre as well as a visit from Tanya Bentham (History Lady).

Y4 had a fantastic visit to EDF Power Station and Thornaby Library. We have also had visits from a Karate teacher.

Y5 Mima, Rivers
Y5 also visit Beamish to prepare the children for their Y6 topics – Why is there a spitfire on the roundabout? and What changes did Queen Victoria see?

Y6 have enjoyed visits to a local art gallery and the Teesmouth Field Centre to discuss jobs in our local are and how our lessons at school help to develop skills for the future.

Values Award

Children are presented with a values award in recognition of achievement.

Learning at Home

Yoga and breathing techniques are very beneficial for children. 

They can

  • Reduce stress and increase mindfulness
  • Improve strength and flexibility
  • Enhance concentration and focus
  • Calms anxiety
  • Enables sound sleep

Research has shown that children’s wellbeing increased after they had spent time connecting with nature. 

You could

  • Go on a nature scavenger hunt and find things for every colour of the rainbow.
  • Lie in the grass on your bellies and watch as little bugs crawl past through the grass. Talk about what it would be like to be as tiny as a bug.
  • Make natural homemade bird feeders are fun to make and a good way to bring more wildlife to your garden.
  • Go rock pooling at the beach
  • Go on a sound safari. What can you hear?
  • Find a dinosaur in a cloud