
R.E. Policy Document

RE at Harewood Primary School

A theologist at Harewood can do the following things. We share this with the children at the beginning of RE lessons.

Long Term Overview

A long term plan outlines RE topics from Nursery to Y6.

RE Skills Progression

This outlines a progression of skills from EY to Y6.

Knowledge Organisers

Each RE topic has a knowledge organiser, which includes key vocabulary, general knowledge and information about different religions. There is also a progression statement with topic specific vocabulary, concept vocabulary, enquiry questions and ready to progress statements.

RE Progression Statement and Pupil Voice

RE across School


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We have trips and visitors across school, with an RE focus:

RE Displays

Eid Fusion Banner Competition

We were selected to design and create two different banners for the Eid Fusion Festival, an annual event which takes place each Summer in Stockton.

Eid Fusion Banner Winners

These were displayed at the Fusion Festival at Ropner Park

Sara Y1

Stejsi Y3