Harewood Primary School is a community school for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years.
The school roll in June 2024 was 455 children on roll. Nursery: 48 part time and 15 on 30 hours. Rec –
Y6: 391
There is a main school building on Eric Avenue, which has 22 classrooms. These classrooms vary in size
and their capacity is between 30 pupils and 14 pupils. There is a multi-purpose school hall, three
playgrounds and a library. There is also a purpose built sports hall and a very large playing field on
Thorntree Road. The school has its own kitchen.
School Admission Information
Children are admitted to Harewood Primary School in line with the Stockton LA Admissions Policy. The Admissions Officer can be contacted for guidance: Education Dept, Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton, TS18 1XE. Tel: 01642 393939.
More information can be found on the Stockton Council website:
Stockton Borough Council School Admissions
Primary and secondary admissions prospectus
Applying for school places during an academic year
2024 School admissions arrangements – Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
For more information on applying for a nursery place please contact Louise Anderson on 01642 355425 / louise.anderson@harewoodprimary.org.uk
Consultation – Lingfield Education Trust Admissions Policy 2026-27
Lingfield Education Trust is an admission authority and it is a requirement for the Trust to consult on the admission arrangements for our schools at least once every seven years or when there is a significant change to the policy, for example where there is a change in oversubscription criteria.
Therefore, a consultation relating to the Admissions Policy for 2026-27, for all schools within Lingfield Education Trust, will commence on 6th November 2024 and will conclude at midnight on 17th December 2024.
We would welcome your views on the proposed admission arrangements. The proposed Admission Policy for 2026-27 can be found here: (put link to policy here)
Notification of the consultation is being communicated by the Trust to the following:
· The relevant Local Authority
· All parents and carers of pupils of the Trust
· Other persons who in the Trust’s opinion have an interest in the proposed admission arrangements
You are welcome to respond by emailing comments relating to the proposed admissions arrangements to enquiries@lingfieldeducationtrust.com
Lingfield Education Trust Admissions Policy (Admissions 2026-27)
Stockton Borough Council Home to School Transport Policy
Home to School Transport Policy
Click on the link below to access the Parent View website:
School Term Times
Autumn term:
Wednesday 4th September – Friday 25th October
Monday 4th November – Friday 20th December
Spring term:
Tuesday 7th January – Friday 21st February
Monday 3rd March – Friday 11th April
Summer term:
Monday 28th April – Friday 23rd May
Tuesday 3rd June – Friday 18th July
PD days are: Monday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd September, Friday 6th December, Monday 6th January, Monday 2nd June and Monday 21st July
School Times
The school day begins at 8:45am. External gates are opened at 8:35am to enable children to walk onto the school site and are closed at 8:45am. Children are greeted by staff. Parents and carers are asked to hand their child to a member of staff at the gate wherever possible. If the gates are locked please use the main entrance. Children are asked not to arrive at school before 8:35am unless they have a pre-arranged Early Birds or Breakfast Club place.
The children are in school for 32.5 hours each week.
Nursery |
12.30 – 3.30pm
A limited number of 30 nursery hours are available |
Morning Session | Afternoon Session | |
Breakfast Club | 8.15am – 8.45 | |
Reception | 8.45am – 11.50 | 12.35 – 3.15pm |
Y1 | 8.45am – 12.00 | 12.45 – 3.15pm |
Y2, Y3 | 8.45am – 12.15 | 1.00 – 3.15pm |
Y4, Y5, Y6 | 8.45am – 12.30 | 1.15 – 3.15pm |
Please realise the importance of a punctual start to the day for your child to ensure that no essential instructions are missed.
Lunchtimes are staggered to ease congestion in the dining hall and playground.
If you are coming to school by car arrive in plenty of time because the area around school becomes very congested and you may need to park a considerable distance away. Please do not park on the yellow zig zag lines. These are there for the safety of the children crossing the road.
School Lunch Menus
Safeguarding Information for Parents
Harewood Primary School fully recognises the contribution it can make to keeping children safe and supporting the pupils in its care. Our school’s designated lead person for child protection is Mr G McManus who can be contacted on 01642 355425. More information can be found in our policies section.
Working Together to Safeguard Children
We take the issue of E-safety very seriously and teach the children in our school a variety of ways in which they can keep themselves safe in the digital world.
For lots more information and advice on how to keep your child safe please visit the Parents Section – Online Safety Page.
Click on the link below to see our School’s Privacy Notice for Parents:
School Financial Information for Parents
Harewood Primary School financial benchmarking
It is a requirement to publish how many employees have a gross annual salary of £100,00 or more. Harewood Primary do not have any employees who earn £100,000 or more.