Page 11 - Harewood Primary School - Prospectus 2019/20
P. 11

Health Care
              All  parents  are  asked  to  complete  a  permission  slip  enabling  a  registered  nurse  to  undertake  regular
              head inspections in school.  If you should discover that your child has head lice would you please inform
              the school so that we in turn can alert parents to take the usual precautions.

              Current advice on dealing with head lice is:
                 ▪   Wash hair in the normal way with an ordinary shampoo
                 ▪   Use lots of conditioner and while the hair is wet comb through from the roots with a fine tooth
                 ▪   Make sure the teeth of the comb slot into the hair at the roots with each stroke. Do this over a
                     pale surface such as a paper towel or the bath
                 ▪   Clear the comb of lice between each stroke
                 ▪   If you find lice repeat this routine every 3-4 days for 3 weeks so that any lice emerging from
                     the eggs are removed before they can breed.  Eggs are not visible but clear and jelly-like; they
                     become white only after hatching

              Medicines in School
              The Health and Safety Executive advise that wherever practicable parents should accept responsibility
              for administering medicines to their own children.  It may, however, be unavoidable that pupils have to
              take medicines/tablets during the school day. We ask for your kind co-operation to help us to help your
              child by following the procedures set out below:
                 ▪   All medicine containers should be labelled with:
                            ➢  The name of the prescribing person / the name and address of the pupil
                            ➢  The name of the medicine, dosage and the time of administration
                 ▪   A form provided by school giving school staff the authority to administer the medicine to your
                     child should accompany the container
              Children who need to use inhalers can keep them in the unlocked first aid cabinet in their classroom for
              easy access. If a peak flow meter is required a member of staff will supervise its use. It is important
              that children with asthma keep a blue (reliever) inhaler in school at all times – please check expiry dates
              on inhalers.

              Epipens are kept in the school office, which is continually staffed, and kept in an unlocked cabinet for
              swift  retrieval.  This  is  because  most  allergic  reactions  are  around  food  which  is  consumed  either  at
              lunchtime/playtime  and  it’s  quicker  to  access  the  office,  where  staff  are  first  aid  trained,  than  for
              Lunchtime  Supervisors/Teaching  Assistants  to  locate  relevant  classrooms  to  get  the  Epipen.  When
              children  leave  the  site  they  are  signed  out  from  the  office  and  staff  sign  the  Epipen  out  to  the
              accompanying member of staff.  A list of expiry dates for Epipens is kept updated by office staff.  A
              Health Care Plan with photographs of the child are displayed in the office and the Kitchen to help swift
              recognition,  unless  a  parent  or  carer  objects.  A  defibrillator  is  kept  in  the  office  to  be  used  in  an
              emergency.    We  have  Epipens  supplied  by  the  local  health  authority  which  we  can  use  with  any  child
              experiencing sudden severe allergic reaction.

              Screening in Reception includes;
              Weight,  height,  audio  and  vision  screening  and  parents  are  contacted  by  the  school  nurse  if  any
              problems  are  highlighted.  A  school  nurse  can  be  contacted  on:  03333  202302  at  Family  Health,
              Neighbourhood Centre, Dover Road, Ragworth, Stockton-on-Tees.
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