Page 11 - Harewood Primary School Prospectus 2018-19
P. 11

staff with first aid training and they will deal with accidents to the best of their ability.  Accidents are
              logged in an accident book and we inform parents about any accident that has resulted in treatment.

              We  believe that the  maintenance of  good discipline is dependent on  many things, including  an
              understanding that to live happily there must be rules and that these rules need to be fair and accepted
              by everyone.

              We  believe  that good relationships between children, teachers, parents and members of the  wider
              community are crucial in creating a successful school community.  We encourage good behaviour and give
              praise as often as possible.  We aim for  the children to gain self-control with their actions, their
              learning and their behaviour.

              If things do go wrong and there is a breakdown in relationships we try to deal with them immediately.
              We endeavour to be firm but fair to all parties concerned. Parents are informed if problems are of a
              serious or persistent nature.  We keep a record of instances of racial abuse, homophobic abuse, assault
              and bullying, these are fully investigated. Instances of racial abuse are reported to the LA in line with
              recommendations from a government report.

              Bullying  ~ Several Times on Purpose (S.T.O.P)

              We introduce the children to an anti- bullying slogan, S.T.O.P, to explain what bullying is and we always
              deal with any form of bullying fully.  Sanctions are used to deter bullying and work is undertaken to build
              up the self-esteem of children  to prevent bullying occurring.  We strive  together to  create  an anti-
              bullying environment but despite this and a vigilant staff, sometimes situations arise that we have not
              been aware of.  If your child feels that they are being bullied and confides in you please come in and
              discuss it with Mrs J Conway.  Children may ask you not to say anything but be assured any decision to
              take action will  be  taken  as a result of talking  together  –  bullying  can be dealt with  effectively  and
              there are courses of action that are successful when we work closely together.

              We  work together to tackle homophobic  discrimination.  We  introduce children to a variety of good
              quality story books that portray positively the diverse range of families in our society to ensure children
              from same sex families don’t feel excluded.

              Pupil Premium ~ Disadvantaged Subsidy Fund
              The school has  a fund of money  based  on those entitled  to free school  meals  to  support children  in
              circumstances of financial disadvantage.
              In 2018-19 this fund is £328,020

              The priorities for spending this allocation have remained consistent for the last two years.  We use this
              fund to narrow the gap in attainment between those children who experience financial disadvantage and
              those who do not.  We use the fund to provide first hand experiences for children who may otherwise
              not have had them.  We provide parental support for those who require it.

                 •   Our experienced  Parent Support Advisors: Louise  Anderson  and Marcus Ciccone  offer a
                     programme of advice and also signpost services to parents.  They coordinate Early Help Support
                     and work closely with outside agencies.
                 •   Parent Support  Advisors run  Harewood Tots  -  a pre-school group  who  work with Riverbank
                     Children’s Centre to support parents with early learning and to create a relationship between the
                     Children Centre and parents.

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