Page 14 - Harewood Primary School Prospectus 2018-19
P. 14

Additionally Resourced Provision:
              The  ARP  which  used to  be  situated at Harewood Primary has now  been re-located as  a KS1  and KS2
              provision at Myton Park Primary School.  The children who were formerly allocated places here will be
              funded to enable them to remain here until they finish KS2.  Children who require a place in the new
              enhanced provision at Myton Park  will need an Educational Health Care Plan.  There will be outreach
              support from the new provision to support children currently in mainstream classes.

              Gifted and Talented
              Children who are significantly more able, or those with a talent, are included on a register which ensures
              they are  identified to  all staff.   They may  access specialist provision  and work is  personalised  with
              individual  targets  to ensure they  make  appropriate progress.  Staff  with expertise in areas  where
              children excel work closely with them to provide them with specialist support.

              Equal Opportunities
              We will  treat all  children equally, irrespective of  ethnic  difference,  gender, disability or social
              disadvantage, to enable them to access a broad and balanced education. Our expectations  will not be
              influenced by any of these factors.  We recognise and value different cultures and religious traditions
              amongst our children whilst celebrating shared British values.

              Provision for the Disabled
              The Governing Body has approved a policy to improve access for all to Harewood Primary School. The
              school is committed to a policy of inclusion and wherever possible will adapt to enable equal access to
              children or staff with a disability.  There is wheelchair access to the school via ramps and there is a
              toilet adapted for wheelchairs.  A Sound Field System has been introduced in a number of classrooms to
              support children with hearing impairment.  Mr M Jones holds regular meetings with a group of parents
              and children to review the Disability Policy; all parents are welcome to join this group.  This policy is
              available for scrutiny.

              Teachers  mark  children’s  work  carefully  and  provide targets for children to work towards.  A
              highlighting system is used to make marking more visual to children - Pink ~ areas for improvement /
              Green ~ targets met and good work/ Yellow ~ gold dust for amazing work.   In English and Maths there
              is a system called INSIGHT which maps progress.

              In English and Maths children have a list of objectives in the front of their books which list all the
              expectations for that year group.  Teachers date and highlight the statements when children have
              demonstrated in their work that they have achieved that objective.

              We have PIRA  reading rests which  children take  each  term and this provides  a  reading age,  a
              standardised score and identifies where any weakness or strengths are so that teachers can address

              Termly Reports to Parents
              Each term parents  will receive a copy of  which objectives their child has achieved.  They  will also
              receive  a report to indicate if progress is  either above, in line,  or below  expectations for that year
              group.  This report will also inform parents about the effort and behaviour of their child, attendance
              and any special achievements.   In addition to this information the end of year report will include general
              comments about the year and the outcome of any statutory tests.

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