Page 9 - Harewood Primary School Prospectus 2018-19
P. 9

provided.  Cheques must be made payable to Stockton Borough Council with your name and address
              printed on the back of the cheque.  If a child wants to change their lunch preference they must inform
              the school office a week in advance.

              Cost of a KS2 meal is £2.05 a day and £10.25 for the week.
              A free meal is supplied to children whose parents are in receipt of:
                   Income Based Jobseekers Allowance / Income Support
                   Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
                   Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
                   Child Tax Credit; if you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your yearly income is less
                     than £16,190   (Set by Government)
              Forms to apply for free  school  meals are available from the school office or Education Department,
              Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton on Tees.   Additional funding is provided for school based
              on the number of children entitled to free school meals; please apply for your entitlement as it
              supports Harewood Primary School financially.

              Packed Lunch
              Children may choose to bring their own packed lunch to school. In line with our healthy eating policy,
              chocolate  bars,  sweets  and  fizzy drinks  are  not  allowed in  packed  meals and  crisps  are
              discouraged.  We  also  ask that packed lunches are kept to a manageable amount.  Packed lunches are
              eaten in classrooms  and  children are supervised by Lunchtime Supervisors.   Non-Alcohol Hand Gel is
              provided for children before they eat to ensure germs are not spread and tables are cleaned with anti-
              bacterial wipes.  Teaching Assistants supervise children at lunchtime  and  are supported by  Lunchtime

              Obesity is an issue which causes harm to children’s emotional and physical health.  We can help families
              with referrals to a weight management programme which supports families with advice and free fitness
              programmes locally.  Please contact either Mrs L Anderson or Mrs J Conway for further information.

              Infant age  children  are provided  with fresh fruit each  morning and  it  is usually eaten  during mid-
              morning  break.  Junior  aged  children  may  bring  their  own  fruit  for  playtime.    In  the  interests  of
              children’s health no sweets or crisps are allowed at playtimes.

              Chewing Gum
              Chewing gum is not allowed on site and parents will be contacted to come into school if any child brings it
              on to the premises as it causes enormous damage to the school environment.

              In response to many studies on dehydration we are happy that children bring water bottles into school.
              They may access these whenever they wish.  The containers need to go home on a regular basis to be

              Health Care

              All parents are asked to complete a permission slip enabling a registered nurse to undertake regular
              head inspections in school.  If you should discover that your child has head lice would you please inform
              the school so that we in turn can alert parents to take the usual precautions.

              Current advice on dealing with head lice is:
                    Wash hair in the normal way with an ordinary shampoo
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