Page 13 - Harewood Primary School Prospectus 2018-19
P. 13

Child Protection ~ Designated Child Protection Officer ~ Mrs J Conway
              The school has a duty to ensure the welfare and safety of all its pupils.  In cases where school staff
              have cause to  be concerned  that a pupil  may  be  subject to ill-treatment,  neglect or other forms of
              abuse, our nominated teacher, Mrs J Conway, will follow the LA Child Protection Procedures and inform
              The  Children’s  Hub  of  these concerns.  If you have any concerns about  a child  being  at risk of  harm
              please contact Mrs J Conway alternatively contact The Children’s Hub on 01429 284284

              We follow a programme called Kidsafe which teaches children how to keep themselves safe in a wide
              variety of situations.  It is an  age  appropriate  programme  which  aims  to  teach children how  to keep
              themselves safe from harm.  Details of the sessions are sent home to parents before the lessons are
              taught so that parents can discuss what the children have learnt with them.

              Parent Support Advisors
              Mrs L Anderson and Mr M Ciccone are the Parent Support Advisors and have an office next to the main
              reception.  They have a drop in session which is advertised on the school notice boards and they are
              available to work with parents on a wide range of issues.  They are trained in parenting programmes and
              have worked very successfully with many parents.  They run trips for parents and their children which
              gives parents a chance to meet them informally and create a support group with other parents.

              Special Educational Needs
              At Harewood Primary School we aim to ensure that all children, whatever their educational needs, have
              access to the EYFS and National Curriculum at the appropriate level through as broad and balanced a
              curriculum as possible.  Mrs Dawson is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and she works with
              Mrs K Lamb, Class Teachers, Special Needs Teaching Assistants and outside agencies to assess children.
              We employ a high number of well qualified staff to support children with learning difficulties in school.

              If a child has special educational needs they are placed on the SEN register and receive SEN Support.
              A child’s SEN difficulties may be: social and emotional; speech and communication: medical or physical;
              moderate or specific learning difficulties.  The Teacher writes  an Individual Educational Programme
              which  outlines  the  special  help  the  child  will  receive  using  either  school  resources  or  those  from
              external agencies.

              Parents play an important role in achieving these targets and are invited to attend termly meetings to
              discuss progress and set new targets.  If despite special programmes of support progress is still not
              being made then a referral may be made to our Educational Psychologist, Mrs J Boyd, for more advice.

              The  advice may indicate  a number of options  including a referral to the Local Authority  Moderating
              Panel to request an alternative placement or Education Health Care Plan.  Parents are kept informed and
              involved throughout the  process.  Any parents worried about a child’s progress should contact Mrs K
              Dawson and she will address their concerns.

              Children with special educational needs are fully included in school and have additional support from the
              SEN Team and Special Needs Teaching Assistants.  They may access small group and individual teaching
              to access special intervention programmes to meet their special needs.  We have an excellent bank of
              specialist SEN resources.  SEN children make very good progress.

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